Monday, January 11, 2010


I was on Facebook and it served as a real social outlet for me while I lived in Belgium and first came to Texas. Now, however, I am stepping back because it has so many issues with privacy and I'm guilty of saying things I shouldn't have or sharing things I shouldn't have. It also seemed like since I started Facebook, it became the way people stayed in contact with me, through my postings, and this is too superficial. I also started to feel less loved because people stopped emailing and just read what is going on or don't call. I also didn't email or call my friends as much either. So, all in all Facebook is really all about FACE and not about much depth. So, I'm keeping my account as a network but there won't be any activity. If you need me my contact info is on there. My emails are available through my website and also you can email me through Facebook. There just won't be any postings. It will be good for my health besides.

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