Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stefani and Rolf's Wedding-A Wedding at Ashton Gardens

These photos are completely out of order-I'm not sure why Blogger messed up their order but I don't have time to put them back in order so I'm publishing them the way they are. You still get a feel for their wedding...I just photographed a wedding last Thursday evening, the night of the big one hour hail/wind/lightning storm in Houston, and it knocked the power out at Ashton Gardens for a little bit. Luckily Stefani and Rolf are happy go lucky people and it didn't phase them at all. Plus, as you can see from the photos Ashton Gardens uses a lot of candles for their evening ceremonies so the lighting was beautiful with the candles. Their wedding was very small and intimate with maybe 30 people including their immediate family, children and some close friends. Rolf was cracking up during the photos...these two have a lot of fun together.

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