Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Website! YAY!

Well, after about three years of talking about it and hemming and hawing over whether I was going to even photograph professionally anymore, I've finally committed again with my new website. For the last month I've labored over figuring out this program I used to create the website, optimized all the photos, labored over editing and all the good things that go into a website. It's always going to be a work in progress-especially as I PROGRESS!

Some other exciting things on the horizon are an exhibition at Project Row Houses in Houston with Ecotone. We are going to set up an indoor garden, gather our favorite quotes from The Gardener's Project, and show some of my favorite photos from that project. I'm referring to the photos of the gardeners in black and white that you might see on my website, Facebook or blog. We are really excited about this opportunity and the growth of that concept.

Besides all that I got my set up for my indoor germination almost ready. I bought some interesting plant seeds from Baker Creek Seed Catalog and we are getting ready to get a garden going for ourselves this year.

Spring is around the corner and it is a good New Year!

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