Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kinsmen Lutheran Preschool Portraits

Tell me these aren't the cutest faces ever! 

Bridals-The Woodlands Wedding Photographer

Love the color! All photos taken in The Woodlands, TX

Baby Catherine-The Woodlands Infant Photographer

Little Cat is 8 days old in these adorable photos taken in my studio at my house and in my front yard where I have lots of flowers to photograph in. 

Megan and Justin-The Bell Tower on 34th Wedding!

Megan and Justin were married at The Bell Tower on 34th.  Their wedding was a combination of Persian style, music and flavors with Texas A&M pride and country!  Enjoy the photos! 

Where are all the blog updates?

In case you are takes me half a day to create blog updates and post to Facebook so sometimes I just post to Facebook...check there for more photos!