These are the photos I just took of a friend and sister Mary Kay consultant right before she had her baby! She's so beautiful! This is one of my dream to do pregnancy photos.
This was a place Steve and I discovered by accident while driving in Provence near le Cote D'azur in France. We were staying in a small town called La Ciotat and took road trips out from there into the country side or to more touristy areas like Cassis or Les Calanques. We camped in a small campground that overlooked the ocean with all the other older french tourists and paid very little for the campsite so we could eat wherever we wanted.
Anyhow, this is the place, according to French Provencal legend, where Mary Magdalene lived in solitude for the last 30 years of her life fleeing persecution. Baume means cave in Provencal french. Grotte is the french word more commonly used. I found it quite special and it led me to discover and read "The Gospel of Mary Magdalene", which was found in four different locations in Egypt in the late 1800's. It wasn't published until the 1970's and there is still a lot of work on the interpretation and study of these writings which were found in different segments in both ancient Greek and Coptic, the language of the first Christians. I found her story to be very inspiring because she was the one who Christ spoke to when he was resurrected, she was the one who stayed with him and took his blood while all the others ran away and he stayed faithful to her while the others wanted to push her away because she was a prostitute. She was essentially the first Apostle and yet why does she not have a gospel in the bible as we know it today? This is the woman who spent so much time with Christ and we have no word from her? Kind of fishy... There is a lot of history there and stories we will never know because the gospels we read today were written at least one hundred years after Christ if not later. Christianity was an oral tradition for hundreds of years before it was written down. The language was Greek or Coptic and the stories were meant to be passed down orally. I love ancient history of religion!
There is mass still served here as it has been since 415 ad. It is a site of pilgrimage and it is tucked away in the mountainside next to many springs. There is a small town below the cave and accommodation for those interested in going. You can also hike and camp around there and all the way down to the coast.