My dear long life friend, Tracey, gave birth to her first child on March 22nd. We grew up together in Cazadero, CA and met before I started kindergarten. I feel blessed to have had a friend like her for so long. Her father died a little over a year ago from prostate cancer and his birthday was March 21st which was also her parents wedding anniversary. We were all hoping that Liam would be born around that date and he was born on his actual due date. Linda, her mom, was also at the birth and her husband Dave was the most supportive husband. It was the most amazing experience to witness my friend giving birth, watching her body take over her during the labor process and watching her join in on the journey. She even made it without any pain killers. She was the most strong woman that day. There is nothing like seeing someone pushing with all of their might one second and holding their baby the next. Truly it is a miracle of life and nothing matters more in that moment. These photos were taken just a few moments after birth.