side note: I am shooting all these photos in Belgium and France with my point and shoot...I know it is so bad but I have to use it every once in a while and I am going to head back there with my big camera and get some more photos...We went camping in France to get a little further away from Brussels and found this cute hut to stay in. It was perfect for us and our dogs and they also delivered fresh chocolate croissants and bread in the morning...ahhh, camping in France! Of course, we got lost on the way down, which always happens to us, but we made it. The Champagne area of France is, of course, the only place in the world the makes "champagne". Everywhere else like Korbel, the wine maker close to my home, makes "Sparkling wine". So we visited the huge and most famous of Champagne makers, Moet and Chandon, and you will see that their compound looks like a well protected Embassy. There are apparently 100 million bottles of champagne under their buildings in their cellars that are built in the chalk that exists in the region and the ingredient that gives the Grand Cru grapes their special taste. Some bottles of Champagne that they have cost as much as 25,000 euros a piece! Napoleon also liked to frequent the champagne maker, Moet, and had a special room in the Chateau just for him. The other buildings you see where Chateaus built by Chandon, husband of the daughter of Moet, who built them for his children. There also is a building owned by Pierre Joulliet, another Champagne maker present on the Avenue de Champagne. There are hundreds of champagne makers in this region in France and we intend to go back and visit the smaller mom and pop champagne makers in the region.