The cabin was perfect for our wedding. It was very cozy and fit 60 people which was all we had at our wedding. We were, for the most part, able to spend time with everyone throughout the weekend and so it had a very personal feeling. Almost everything was done by someone we know, a friend or at least vendors in the area we liked. It was the perfect imperfect wedding for us. The ceremony ran an hour late because Steve's dad got lost on the way. Our main photographer got lost in the woods after the ceremony but luckily I had three other photographers photographing so we got some cool shots on the horse and carriage until he found his way out of the woods. I do wish that I had more photographs with some people but by the time we got to the cabin for the reception we were quite behind schedule and even though we spent about 5 hours at the reception it really flew by. What was so hilarious about it all was that since I go to weddings all the time I thought I wouldn't fall into the no eating, no sleeping, no stressing category of brides. That didn't happen at all. I hardly slept at all that weekend waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning every day. I lost about 10 lbs from not having time to eat. We had to call Roter Rooter three times because our sewers kept backing up (and we had about 10 - 50 people at our house every day at all times) and my phone kept ringing so much I just gave it to someone to hold on to and answer. I couldn't handle the phone or questions and please never ask me to pose for a photo-that was torture! So, I feel for all my brides and grooms A LOT more now and also really am appreciative of the time, energy and emotions that go into weddings.